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Old 09-04-2008, 04:48 PM
Hill Giant
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I like the last idea a lot, too --- it would make equipping a raid significantly easier (having each character go through and equip their own raid is worse than just one doing it).

2. Bards: Not only is the spell list perfect 60+, but bards now TWIST. That's INCREDIBLE.
Seriously? I can't wait to try that out.

Are group buffs/heals/MGB's working yet, or is that still in the works?

Unrelated, but, The Realm still down?
Old 09-04-2008, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Ikeren View Post
Are group buffs/heals/MGB's working yet, or is that still in the works?

Unrelated, but, The Realm still down?
group buffs/heals Yes these are in.

MGB's no

The Realm issue may be a router problem. The last I heard there was going to be a router reboot, so I'll check it later.
Old 09-04-2008, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Congdar View Post
I've been working on new spell lists for each class and it is a tedious and long process(I think you made the npc lists so probably know this) so during that time some other people have made a release or two with some of the code submissions that were not in the emu build at the time. I only have Beastlord, Bard and Ranger spell lists left to do and once done maybe a bit of tweaking and debugging before I make a new release with the latest emu source. I have 1127 now but it has a group bug in it that is supposedly fixedin 1128 but that download doesn't seem to be available.
I didn't really make those spell sets, I just altered them; I don't know if this still happens, but at the time, NPC pets would 'ghost' at the zones #zone zin - and in reality, most NPCs don't have pets. One of my favorite zones is Droga, when I zoned in there, I was in between a pack of ghosted pets (very unsightly), not to mention, the zone is full of pet casters (none there use pets), and it was really crazy with all the pets . An instant solution for that problem was to eliminate the pets from the NPCs spell sets, and start a new set of spells for the pet users. So , I just duped the current 1-12 spell set to the the 500ish ones, and deleted the pets from the default 1-12 set. And that's how that came to be
I guess it wasn't a bad idea, since it is still in use.
Still, zones like Najena, where Magicians are many and most use pets, there is ghosting. but what I did there was make the '#zone in' in a hidden corner in the small pond just before you get to Najenas room. Only GMs are supposed to use #zone, and this way, players won't see the ghost pack at zin.

You really did a great job on the spells, I was working on some spellsets for bots and other NPCs, and I can understand all the labor you put into it.
I also am learning my final part to this emulator which is the code, so I'm able to really see and admire all the work you all are doing, and you did miracles with the Bot code.

I had my little 'BS' arrays going with the spells that wouldn't work right, and was proud of it you made me feel like a first grader with your fixes - But it was working! Still I wanted to keep the sow out of the dungeon and had it out tell I added your fix, then it got broke.
I found a spot where you disabled levitation (botAI.cpp);
// Put the zone levitate check here since bots are able to bypass the client casting check
	 if(IsEffectInSpell(AIspells[i].spellid, SE_Levitate) && !zone->CanLevitate()
added this;
// Put the zone levitate check here since bots are able to bypass the client casting check
	 if(IsEffectInSpell(AIspells[i].spellid, SE_Levitate) && !zone->CanLevitate() ||
	  IsEffectInSpell(AIspells[i].spellid, SE_MovementSpeed) && !zone->CanCastOutdoor()){
It's good, but disables all speed movement spells, later on in the expansions there was some dungeon spells like 'Spirit of Shrew' which got caught up in that one, but at least there's more resemblance to dungeon play with that -

I really appreciate your work with the Bots and thank you for posting it!
Old 09-06-2008, 09:59 PM
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i am running Congdar's 1129 version and im having all kinds of problems cpu at 100% world crash with Microsoft debug error.. im not doing anything diff then i did with my old server sept my old server did not have bots.. there working but the problems outweigh the advantage.. any help?

here is the post on the problems im haveing with it and such any help would be apriciated i would like to add the bots really...


is there a diff file for all the bots code? i would not mind pulling all the code and putting it in my compile myself. if thats doable but im not sure how to find it all.. is there some key word i can search for that would show me all the bod code? like myself for update reasons i say /////added////// and //////////end added//// after everything i add and changed after everything i change.
Old 09-06-2008, 11:13 PM
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well it seems to be looking good in the compile now so maybe we got it working. thanks to Angelox.. anyways will let you know.
Old 09-07-2008, 12:46 PM
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If you continue to have issues, please collect any log output or code line numbers that would help debug them. For compiling yourself, the sources are available to anyone in the Offline Bot Code Releases ONLY thread right above this thread in the Custom Code forum.
Old 09-07-2008, 03:23 PM
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in agreement with this:

Originally Posted by gygelly View Post
Another bug:
There is still something wrong with the melee dps of bots. If anything they just seem to miss a LOT.

The best way to check this out:
Make a monk, completely unequipped, level 60, and use setallskills 250.
Make a monkbot (who will also be level 60 and completely unequipped).

#zone chardock, and you'll see 2 equal level sniffers right in front of you. Sick the bot on one of the sniffers, and you attack the other. Youll be able to solo yours no prob, but after you've already killed yours, the bot's sniffer will still be above 80%
I was in Nagafen's Lair - my group (bots: Warrior, Berserker, Cleric, Wizard and Shaman all 45 and mid-level geared from GeorgeS' tools - along with my pet!) were taking a 50 Fire Giant Warrior. I (45 Necro) soloed another 50 Fire Giant Warrior and turned to see that their giant was only 45% down.

something's definitely wonky with the bot dps
Old 09-07-2008, 05:09 PM
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I have never tried GeorgeS' tool. It may not be compatible with the bot code way of equiping npc's. Try equiping them through the trade window, which is where the bot code handles items and equipment. Maybe they'll do better.

I still went ahead and looked at the damage and attack code, the only glaring thing I noticed is that several classes get triple attack at level 60. The bots didn't, so I added that code for next release. I don't think that one attack is gonna make the difference but the code is available for anyone to look at. Maybe something is more obvious to somebody else, or maybe that tool isn't compatible with the bot code and they are attacking naked.
Old 09-07-2008, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by gygelly View Post
Another bug:
There is still something wrong with the melee dps of bots. If anything they just seem to miss a LOT.

The best way to check this out:
Make a monk, completely unequipped, level 60, and use setallskills 250.
Make a monkbot (who will also be level 60 and completely unequipped).

#zone chardock, and you'll see 2 equal level sniffers right in front of you. Sick the bot on one of the sniffers, and you attack the other. Youll be able to solo yours no prob, but after you've already killed yours, the bot's sniffer will still be above 80%
I don't see a difference in the way pc's and bots calculate hits/misses/damage. Maybe it's server settings... are you using IntervalAC rule?
Old 09-07-2008, 05:50 PM
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Over all, It seems to all work out fine - I imagine there could be some fine tuning, but since I'm in a group (with the bots), I've been able to play and level nicely.
In a balanced group, what's important is the tanks keep aggro off the casters and that works out pretty well. What would be even nicer is, if the caster gets aggro, the tank would know to move to that mob and get aggro off caster - but that might make the game too easy.
Old 09-08-2008, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Congdar View Post
I have never tried GeorgeS' tool. It may not be compatible with the bot code way of equiping npc's. Try equiping them through the trade window, which is where the bot code handles items and equipment. Maybe they'll do better.

I still went ahead and looked at the damage and attack code, the only glaring thing I noticed is that several classes get triple attack at level 60. The bots didn't, so I added that code for next release. I don't think that one attack is gonna make the difference but the code is available for anyone to look at. Maybe something is more obvious to somebody else, or maybe that tool isn't compatible with the bot code and they are attacking naked.
I never thought about how the code handles equipping, etc. I had always looked at the bots and saw they were holding/wearing something and it shows up in their gear list.

They seem to equip gear ok using GeorgeS' tool - as their gear shows up in game, in their gear list, their stats change and the bots attacks change from 'punch' to 'slash' (or 'crush') after i've equipped a sword.

I'll try equipping them in-game and see what happens.

I gotta say though, keep up the good work. The addition of the bots is making the game fun again! Well done Magoth78 and thanks Condagar for picking up the project!

I still think if Sony is gonna rip off the bots and get paid for them in live - they should at least give something in return (opcodes or spawn info for our incomplete zones!) .... like that'll happen.... /sigh
Old 09-08-2008, 02:47 PM
Fire Beetle
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IntervalAC is set to true...is that what I want it to be?
All the AC stuff in the values table is also set to default, though according to the description they don't take affect if IntervalAC is true.

And just in case, I have been equipping all the bots manually.

I'll do more tests across levels (to ensure it's not just triple attack), but the difference is fairly evident just in casual gameplay, leveling from 1 to 60 with bots. Just yesterday in Mistmoore at lvl 40, I found that I could sick an entire well balanced group of bots on one mob, and nuke a different mob dead with my chanter before theirs died.

Btw: I agree this is CRAZY fun. Me and my guildies are having a blast with it.
Old 09-08-2008, 03:31 PM
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I'm wondering if the client adds something to the calcs. Specifically, ATK looks wacked in the code. It seems to benefit the defender if the attackers ATK is higher than theirs. Maybe the client does something with the ATK value?

I'm all for making the bots as close to a pc as possible, but nothing is super obvious as far as the code goes. I've tried to copy the attack/damage methods between the pc code and the bot code as closely as possible. Maybe i've missed something somewhere... I'll keep looking.
Old 09-09-2008, 11:11 PM
Fire Beetle
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Default Bot aggro

I installed the 1129 update pack and the latest EQOffline binaries/dll the problem i have is even though the warrior bot taunts and attacks a mob, it will attack the closest PC regardless if they damaged the mob. Is there a way to stop this default switch to a PC over an NPC? thanks

Old 09-10-2008, 02:34 AM
Fire Beetle
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Originally Posted by macvaliant7 View Post
I installed the 1129 update pack and the latest EQOffline binaries/dll the problem i have is even though the warrior bot taunts and attacks a mob, it will attack the closest PC regardless if they damaged the mob. Is there a way to stop this default switch to a PC over an NPC? thanks

I use this patch.

diff -r -c -N ./1129Bots/zone/hate_list.cpp ./1129Bots-changed/zone/hate_list.cpp
*** ./1129Bots/zone/hate_list.cpp 2008-06-19 05:49:00.000000000 +0900
--- ./1129Bots-changed/zone/hate_list.cpp 2008-09-05 14:33:16.000000000 +0900
*** 240,246 ****

sint32 currentHate = cur->hate;

! if(cur->ent->IsClient()){

aggroMod += RuleI(Aggro, SittingAggroMod);
--- 240,246 ----

sint32 currentHate = cur->hate;

! if(cur->ent->IsClient() || cur->ent->IsBot()){

aggroMod += RuleI(Aggro, SittingAggroMod);
*** 292,298 ****

! if(topClientInRange != NULL && top != NULL && !top->IsClient())
return topClientInRange;
return top;
--- 292,298 ----

! if(topClientInRange != NULL && top != NULL && !top->IsClient() && !top->IsBot())
return topClientInRange;
return top;
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