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Old 08-07-2008, 03:08 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 659

Originally Posted by So_1337 View Post
Hahaha! Talented and funny!

Isn't this one of the primary roadblocks on any sort of LDoN functionality? I know getting any form of instancing working is also a pretty big hold-up, but I believe that the original form of LDoN didn't really have any -- It was simply 10 different versions of the same zone that could handle a group each. The Rujarkian Hills 'instance' was ruja-rujj, for example. Though I'm sure this is already common knowledge around here.

Just wondering, since that's the first I remember the task window ever coming into play. I know it was used for quests after that, but I didn't play much at all during that period and am thus unfamiliar. Was it retroactive at all? Did it handle some older quests by chance? My gut feeling is that it didn't.
Nah. The older quests were never "retrofitted" for the task system, which is a failing in Live, IMO. Would have been handy for those long epic quests. Or even the smaller ones. I think most of the "older" quests eventually yielded mostly crappy, in comparison, stuff so was thought to be more work than it is worth. It would be really nice to work it into the emu quest system though so as to rectify it if possible. We still have a lot of older quests that haven't been completed that could be fitted to make it work if it was possible to have it work that way.
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