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Old 04-26-2007, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 43

Originally Posted by Magoth78
Hello there,

I also like the idea a lot and that's why I've officially started to work on this project some days ago.

At the moment, I'm working on the bots inventory.

What I've made so far is :

- You loot an item
- You give it to a bot of your choice. If its race/class can equip the item, it places the loot in its inventory (in the right slot) and then, it equips this item. If it has already an item in the same slot, the old item will be remplaced by the new one.
Once the item is in the bot's inventory, the bots stats will change immediatly depending of the item stats.

I will also make the bots showing them wearing the stuffs they have in their personnal inventory.

So will you get back the old item or does it disappear? Also, what do you plan on doing with No Drop items, just the same thing?

This project looks awesome.