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Old 12-16-2005, 03:19 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 145
Default In the process

I tested some higher end mobs last night and they are much better, not missing as much, I am going to test it more this weekend by starting a lvl one toon and etting the exp modifier really high and testing it on my way to lvl 60. Like I said in the first post the stats of mobs are not linear on the way to lvl 60, but this is way better then it was before with all mobs having 75 to all stats. at level one the mobs are actually killable, before I couldnt even kill one mob with a brand new toon. It would be much easier to test if I could actually see mob misses.... not sure if its just a bug with my server or all servers but I cannot see when the mob mises me it just says nothing at all.

As far as resists I am just manually adjusting them in my db by bodytype and level, if dont want a mob snareable do I just set mr really high or is there soemthing else? I cannot find anything saying what the npc special attacks are.

Also what factor does the does stamina variable play?

I am also working on adding cavedudes db to peq's on my server, but lots of factions to adjust and loot tables/loots to add... only done one zone so far, vex thal!!!! and its pretty fun to play in with my monk ))
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