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Old 07-17-2007, 09:54 PM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552
Thumbs up

Magoth, here's a few more things to report. (sorry if this is a repeat)

1) Bots gear "stats" do not seem to effect the bot. A level 70 ogre warrior has 5375 HP @ level 70 before or after adding armor.

2) Bots do not seem to benefit from group buffs. My poor warrior and monk were torn to shreds by Aaryonar in seconds!

3) There is still something odd with NPC reaction gfx during a fight, even with maps in place properly. In NToV, the wyverns that initially attack in mass - once the first wyvern falls, the next few just stand there while the Warrior beats it up. However, the bot IS taking damage (according to it's health bar, I am pretty sure).

4) I know this is not in the scope yet, but I grouped another player in my group first, then spawned 4 bots. They do not show up for the other grouped player.

I did crash the zone once, but I am not sure how. I was fighting Eashen of the Sky when it happened.

Oh, and I figured out why my Mage gear didn't save. Because he was a Wizard. Tee hee. OOPS.

The raid stuff looks pretty intense. I won't have time to play with that until this weekend.