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Old 08-14-2006, 12:50 PM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

Sry, post was too long to include the fix. Maybe I shoulda just shown you the broke stuff?

To fix this, replace the "Kildrukaun" text check with these lines:
		quest::say("Although Kildrukaun was inspired and intrigued by Kerafyrm's existence, he was wary still for he had yet to be witness to the true intent of Veeshan's will. In this time, the dragon nation had split and were in opposing power -- the Ring of Scale whom fled their native Velious for Kunark, and the Claws of Veeshan, the original order and council of dragon kind. It was known that Kildrukaun was furious with the recent division and he strongly believed that it was Veeshan's will for the dragon nations to reunite once again, lest they become as weak and pitiful as the second generation. He viewed Kerafyrm to be the road that would guide the dragons to unification, although it was a unification that would be borne of an unknown purpose that Kerafyrm served.");
		quest::emote("continues, 'Kildrukaun never interacted with the young prismatic dragon, but served as the dictator behind his mentors. Eventually, Kerafyrm would rise to a power unseen within any dragon of his still fledgling age and Kildrukaun's [prophecy] would be born.'");
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