Thread: Finding Opcodes
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Old 07-03-2008, 07:58 AM
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Here is what I have found so far just from running the tail I mentioned above. I am sure some things I have tested must be sending opcodes in another format or something, because they don't seem to send the server anything even though I think they would be unknowns. One example would be when you right click an adventure merchant. Unless the opcode is just assigned to the wrong OP_ name in the .conf file for it already. Then, it wouldn't be getting logged by my tail, because it is currently only able to see opcodes that error for one reason or another.

Errors (unhandled):

0x381d - OP_WeaponUnequip2 - unequip weapon 2 or unequip weapon 1
0x63da - OP_WeaponEquip2 - equip weapon 2
0x6c5e - OP_WeaponEquip1 - unequip weapon 1
0x63da - OP_WeaponEquip2 - equip weapon 1
0x6c5e - OP_WeaponEquip1 - equip weapon 1
0x6f0c - OP_Bandolier - Added and named new bandolier name - same when bandolier is used to swap weapons
0x1ee9 - OP_BazaarSearch - /Bazaar Search or clicking "welcome" on the /bazaar window
0x5891 - OP_RaidInvite - Invited a player with /raid - got some packet info as well
0x6f82 - OP_LFPCommand - Shown on the player when they accepted group invite
0x7f9d - OP_Report - /report playername
0x5306 - OP_Feedback - /feedback and filled out a feedback and hit send. Got some packet as well

I know that unhandled doesn't mean there are problems. But, in some cases, it might be useful to have the notes I made just in case someone decides to write some code to handle them.


0x524e - Begin /trader mode or Closed /trader window even if Begin Trader mode hadn't been started (on off toggle?)
0x6a5f - Comes in after not moving the mouse for exactly 15 minutes. And comes in again as soon as the mouse is moved again - Toggle Auto-AFK?
0x19d8 - /viewpetition command ran
0x5fc7 - Clicked "View Stats" on the Adventure Window - Same for clicking the Refresh button there
0x230a - Clicked "Leaderboard" on the View Stats Window for LDoN Adventures - Same for clicking the Refresh button there
0x48fe - Used the "Who" button in the friends window - Same for typing /who all friends or friend
0x224c - /zone command
0x35e8 - Right click a player in /becomenpc mode in bazaar (basically trader mode on)
0x3d05 - /veteranReward
0x5eba - Used Shift+T to open the Titles window

And some of these probably aren't considered issues, because there are no systems in place for them. But, I am sure someone would love to get bazaar working, and Titles, and the petition manager window would be nice too. Also, I didn't even know EQ had an auto-afk feature, but that one opcode really seems to be auto AFK. It comes in exactly 15 minutes every time after the mouse hasn't moved on that window and comes in again as soon as it is moved again. That would be a cool feature to have IMO.


Starting trader mode by opening the /trader window and setting items for sale in a Trader's Satchel didn't make my character show up on the /bazaar search window to be listed under "Traders". BUT, using /becomenpc on myself changes my name to add "Trader" in front of it the way that trader mode is supposed to on Live. Then, once I had /becomenpc on, I now showed up as a trader in the /bazaar search window. It still wouldn't list the items I had for sale from the search results though.

I will continue looking for more opcodes and I am going to mess around with other versions of EQ as well to see how difficult it would be to get them working for the emu. If most of the opcodes to get another version of EQ working can be attained with the tail I have been running, then it really shouldn't be all too tough. I still need to check into those IDA Pro scripts as well to see what they do and if they are still useful in any way.

I guess some progress is better than nothing. Might as well get as many opcodes in place as possible, so if someone wants to write code to get the systems working, they can do so without worrying about opcodes.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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