Thread: ProjectEQ CVS
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Old 08-24-2007, 08:35 AM
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The PEQ Dude
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Default ProjectEQ SVN

The ProjectEQ database and quests are now available via SVN using Google. All I ask is that bugs are reported or additions are made and submitted here:

THERE WILL BE NO SUPPORT FOR SVN! This is not an official release and really is only meant for database developers, or advanced users.

To get the DB, use this address:

For quests:

The EQEmu code can be grabbed here:

Basic installation:

Player tables - Do source drop_player.sql and then source load_player.sql at a mysql command prompt. WARNING: This will destroy all character information! Once you setup your database once, this step is optional and you can skip right on to system tables. If you want to source tables individually, you can. Just do a source tablename.sql; at the command prompt for whichever tables you wish to drop/source.

System tables - This is the actual content of the db. If you have custom changes or the like, I don't recommend using this as all of your custom data will be destroyed! First, extract peqdb_XXXXRevxxx.sql.gz with WinRAR or another compression program that supports gz into the same dir as all the other sqls. (If you get a corrupt SQL or an error message while extracting, then your program DOES NOT properly support it!) Then, at the mysql command prompt do source drop_system.sql and then source peqdb_XXXXRevxxx.sql. This can take some time so be patient.

For those upgrading their DB: Look in the updates folder, and source in every file up to the current revision, specified by the system .gz file. If there is no update for the current revision, then no player update is needed.

*Before it's asked, no I will not use another compression type. I use Linux so .gz is the easiest for me. WinRAR fully supports it, so there are no problems for Windows users.*

You're done!

Just a quick note, you'll notice the db filename above has XXXXRevxxx in it's name. That's because the name will change with every update. The version will correspond with the current EQEmu build. So, since the current EQEmu build is 1129, and the current SVN revision is 59. The db's filename is peqdb_1129Rev59.sql.gz. If both the EQEmu build and SVN revision remain the same, but the DB updates, then a letter will be tacked on the end of the DB version.

This system is far superior for many reasons. First, it's a lot easier for me so expect more frequent updates. Second, the compressed db saves a LOT of space so it's quicker to upload/download. The version number will make things MUCH easier since you no longer need to say, in my db which is 7 days old I found this bug. Now you can reference the db by version number. Also, my hope is this may eliminate the does this db work with the current EQEmu build questions.

Last edited by cavedude; 09-08-2010 at 06:29 PM..
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