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Old 06-05-2014, 03:48 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 216


Originally Posted by Akkadius View Post
Ever thought of working on zones?
Overly long reply:

I'm not sure what the state of custom zone-making is at this point. If it's the kind of thing where you have to cannibalize an existing zone model to get a new one in there, I think it loses some of its appeal right there (not that there aren't some dull zones to replace).

I can remember seeing someone's custom zone floating around on youtube at some point and being struck by how bland it was. Maybe that wasn't the best example, but that is the expectation I have when I think of trying to make a zone. Seems like it would be a lot of work, probably boring to work on textures for, and just in general hard to say what would make the shape of a zone interesting or bland -- wouldn't even know where to start or where to take cues from. And then there are things like gaps in collision, room line of sight, zonelines and zone walls, etc to worry about...

It's a lot easier to tell when a weapon looks cool. Much better return on the time invested in making them, probably. Players always like neat-looking weapons. That's why I say it seems disappointing and a bit puzzling looking back at old threads and seeing that all the custom modelling attention was apparently on zones, and to a lesser extent player models, while item models were seemingly ignored in spite of the fact that they were and are the simplest to make, most permitted by the client (no need to overwrite anything), probably least controvertible (who's gonna turn down more weapon models if they don't have to give up anything in return? well, outside this thread), and likely easiest to hand out to players without fear of legal issues once GlobalLoad became a thing. Could have been amassing custom-made weapon models for the past 6 or 7 years or so~ Strange. But I wasn't there, so I guess I don't really know.

Anyway, yeah, zones seem like they'd be more effort than they're worth. Who knows, though, I probably won't have anything better to do for months...
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