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Old 06-30-2012, 02:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by Uleat View Post
I was thinking...

If I really wanted that 'old eq' feel, I could just script up a bunch of NPCs to:

- Camp all of the mobs that I really want or need to hunt

- At random intervals, train every mob in zone past my location

- Send random shouts in EC about some item being for sale

- Send messages about a GM event in a certain zone and then introduce horrible lag or crash the zone as soon as I get there

Now that's classic EQ!

ROFL so very true. Oh, dont forget you have to randomly die every 40-60 min while staring at your spell book, regening 2 mana every tick for 30+ min.

People look at "Classic" EQ with Rose Colored glasses and only remember the fun parts and repress much of the nightmare that old EQ truely was. The reason alot think it was so awesome is because it was really the first true 3D version of this genre to actually be playable.

They forget the 12 hour nightmarish corpse runs that resulted in forever lost gear and only remember chasing kicking snakes in Qeynos and half naked G-String WoodElves running around GFay.
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