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Old 07-22-2008, 02:57 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 18

Many thanks Derision. I now have a working race detection system in place.
Dwarves, Halflings & Gnomes have a 25% increase in food value.
Barbarians, Trolls, Ogres, Iksar & Vah Shir have a 25% decrease in food value.

To answer ChaosSlayer's request:
as far as diffirent races eating at diffirent rate - if you going to code it in, please make sure to include a rule to turn it off =)
Yes. I am adding support to turn it on / off.

If anyone can help point me in a good direction for testing which spells are currently active (in the buff window), I can code the mount's consumption. As always, any and all help is *greatly appreciated*!

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