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Old 05-16-2007, 03:30 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 28

I get an error from zonedebugperl.exe.

Mag-> I recommended the pet class option so that some control of the bots could be had. I'm playing around with this using a wizard... and he continuously dies before the bots even raise an eyebrow, let alone their sword at the aggro. so just like /pet attack helps out monumentally, i think that a #bot command to have [each one or all of them] attack.

Also: Enchanter just stood around in battle... didn't do any CC at all. He buffed, yes, but that was about it. Bard didn't do any songs except when I first invited him. Also had a graphical issue with the rogue... i gave him an Ifir and a discordant dagger of night... and he was running around with a table in his hands. [i fixed this by giving him other weapons]...