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Old 05-15-2007, 07:19 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 345


Cavedude: I will check what I can do with the rules system but that should be doable. Concering the diffs, yes I will post them once I've finished the project.

Now, I'd like to clarify some things up concering the install. In the binaries pack that you can download on the project's website, you can find 3 files (for windows). WorldDebug.exe and ZoneDebug.exe are the standard World.exe and Zone.exe with the EQoffline code changes.
So to make it works, you should make a directory named "old" (by example) and you move your actual world.exe, zone.exe and EmuShareMem.dll in it.
Then, you open the EQoffline package and you extract all the files in your eqemu dir.
Finally, you rename WorldDebug.exe > World.exe and ZoneDebug.exe > Zone.exe.
You will be able to launch your server normally with the bots.

Concerning the Linux compile, I think that botAI.o and petAI.o have to be added into the makefile.common, not sure though. I will try on an Unbuntu when I ll get the time.

Crashing when removing bots from the group happened to me but I thought I had it fixed. Does it happen all the time ? Are you using "#bot group remove <your_target>" ?

About the fact that the bots don't zone with you. Yeah, I didn't make them zone with you. At this time, I even don't know if I can do it. Not sure I will start to work on it in the future though, it's not really a prority. I really want to debug all the basics things first.

Now, about the news. I'm actually leveling a character with bots to see what are the bugs and what I could improve.
I think that all the buffing, healing, DD'ing things are fines.
At the start, I didn't really like the way they follow their leader and how they split once they stop. But, I don't know how I can do otherwise. After all, that's working correctly. The only issue is when we're in a closed place and you have the aggro while they re in a wall, they won't assist. I can make them assist but if I do that I remove the Line of Sight check and the bots can aggro mobs through walls, floors etc... wich is not good.

Now what is not fine to me is the way the mobs assist.
Actually, they attack only if they (each individual bot) or you have the aggro.
Their target is the aggro'd mob that has the most aggro on them or you.
It's not good because if you play a CC class, they will break your mez in 80% of the cases.
I really need advise on how they can assist. What I can do is that they only assist the warrior in your group. And the warrior only attack/assist you.

User's projects:
-- Original EMPIRE I/II and Factions! servers
-- Web GM Portal
-- EQoffline/bots