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Old 09-12-2006, 08:27 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 117

Sdabbs65 -

I just noticed something about the ouput you're getting from this post:
mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime
, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("350904","281356
Each of those lines is 80 characters long. Also, things are getting truncated at exactly 80 characters as the "MYSQL> " prompt shortens up what the program output was to get 80 characters (7 chars as a "mysql> " and 73 "INSERT into" characters). I have double checked and there is nothing in the program that will generate a linefeed or carriage return at that point, so I'm interested in seeing an actual file that the program generates.

For example, you'd ge this kind of output if you did a "type 1001-npcname.sql" in a dos box that was 80 characters long and that's how you grabbed what you posted to us. Check out the file that it creates in some sort of text editor that will let you go longer than 80 characters in width (i.e., notepad) and see if the output from the program looks different.

Also, are you sure you're using version 0.5.6 of the program? You can tell the version number by editing it and looking at the first few lines. One of the recent changes I made was to make sure to put a set of quotes around every field for every line it outputs so that a blank/null character wouldn't produce a bad insert statement.
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