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zerjz3 10-31-2014 01:24 AM

Instancing Question
Is there some easy way to set a zone as an instanced zone? I've done some searching and found multiple ways people have come up with creating instanced zones - wondering what is the most up-to-date modern way of doing this? Preferably there is some database setting without having to code some elaborate perl script for making an instance, but I don't know. How is this done nowadays?

KLS 10-31-2014 05:04 AM

If you just want to make an instance (to do whatever in):


#instance create zone version duration
#instance add instance_id player_name
#zoneinstance instance_id



#instance create potimeb 0 7200
Will create an instance of potimeb that lasts 7200 seconds (2 hours)

It will tell you the instance_id that it assigned when the command completes, for this example lets use 31:


#instance add 31 zerjz
#zoneinstance 31

This assigns the character zerjz to the instance id and zones him in.

Now if you want something you don't have to manually do each time you'll have to look at some scary(not really) scripts.

zerjz3 10-31-2014 07:52 AM

Thank you for the information. That's a good jumping off point for me.

My next question, is there a way to make players enter different instances of a zone when they use a regular zoneline to enter the zone, or do I need to set up an invisible NPC near the zoneline with a radius set to teleport them into the zone, using a script to send them into their own instance?

Example: Zerjz zones into Unrest and enters an instance of it. KLS zones into Unrest and enters his own private instance of it. Group members for both characters zone in and enter the correct instance containing their respective group mates

Secrets 10-31-2014 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by zerjz3 (Post 235164)
Thank you for the information. That's a good jumping off point for me.

My next question, is there a way to make players enter different instances of a zone when they use a regular zoneline to enter the zone, or do I need to set up an invisible NPC near the zoneline with a radius set to teleport them into the zone, using a script to send them into their own instance?

Example: Zerjz zones into Unrest and enters an instance of it. KLS zones into Unrest and enters his own private instance of it. Group members for both characters zone in and enter the correct instance containing their respective group mates

Yes - you can do that, but with the way it's set up you will have to zone twice. Once you are in the zone, set an enterzone script to force them in the same instance as their group.

demonstar55 10-31-2014 05:18 PM

The way most of the normal instancing works on live is that they will have an NPC you talk to to get the instance, then a door or NPC (just need something else scriptable) that will send you there.

So for the example with unrest. You could have the normal version of unrest then plop an NPC near the zone line that you can request an instanced version for which could have different NPCs or a quest associated with it. (More just throwing out alternatives to having to zone twice)

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